Conestoga Christian School
2760 Main Street
Morgantown, PA 19543
610.286.0353 Phone
610.286.0350 Fax
Head of School
Ken Parris
610.286.0353 ext. 406
Admissions Director
Michelle Parris
610.286.0353 ext. 402
High School Principal
Lauren Turner
610.286.0353 ext. 241
Middle School Principal
Randy Hepler
610.286.0353 ext. 401
Elementary School Principal
Susan Brenner
610.286.0353 ext. 410
Early Education Principal
Christen Wayman
610.286.0353 ext. 216

School Office Hours during the academic year are M-F 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Summer Office Hours are M-Th
9 AM - 2 PM

PG电子游戏 is just west of Morgantown, PA at 2760 Main Street on Route 23. Coming from the south you can access the lower parking lot and athletic fields from Route 10 and Short Road. The main parking lot and office entrance are on the north side of the campus facing Route 23. Stop in at the office in the center building to sign in when you arrive on campus.